Bv Hotels&Resorts

Every Better Day



Together to build a better future for the children of Antsirabé, Madagascar.

Bv Hotels & Resorts for 2024 has chosen, once again, to demonstrate its solidarity by taking the field and supporting a new charity project "Madagascar 2024" aimed at concretely helping one of the most disadvantaged communities in Madagascar.

A safer and hygienic environment for the children of the school of Andranomanelatra

This project aims to build fully functional kitchens and bathrooms to provide a safer and hygienic environment for female students and students living in a disadvantaged rural area.

Raising money for the community

There are many communities in Madagascar, such as Andranomanelatra in the district of Antsirabé which has a population of about 30,000 inhabitants, characterized by widespread poverty in a difficult social context, where economic and logistical challenges are often accentuated by a lack of resources. Our goal, with your help, is to make a difference. Il nostro obiettivo, con il vostro aiuto, è fare la differenza.

The collective commitment that really makes the difference

Although it may seem like a phrase, in contexts like this it is true that union makes strength! The generosity of others, who decide to join a project for a greater cause, is really all it takes to make a tangible difference in the lives of boys and girls who are entitled to dreams, ideas, goals and a future that awaits them.

You give them hope!

Bathrooms and kitchen were completely destroyed by a flood, which left only debris and rubble... Now it’s time to rebuild, together!

Le macerie post ciclone
Questa è l'area dove andremo a realizzare il progetto.
Macerie attuali
In quest'area sorgeranno i nuovi bagni.
Strutture attuali
Queste strutture saranno completamente ricostruite.
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