Bv Hotels&Resorts

BV Hotels & Resorts: a triple win at the Travellers’ Choice Awards

We are pleased to announce that all three Resorts belonging to the BV Group, the BV Kalafiorita Resort, the BV Airone Resort and the BV Borgo del Principe Resort, have received the prestigious title of Travellers' Choice Awards from TripAdvisor.

The Travellers' Choice Award honors the "best of the best" in the travel industry, recognizing facilities that have received the most excellent reviews from the TripAdvisor community over the past 12 months.

This award is a testimony to the constant commitment invested to offer a high quality service and an unforgettable experience to all guests who choose to stay in our facilities.

In our resorts we always want to exceed the expectations of our guests and to offer them a stay with attention to detail. Being included in this list is an honor and a sign of confidence from those who have experienced and appreciated and our commitment to excellence.

We would like to thank all our guests who shared their experiences and opinions on TripAdvisor, without your support and valuable feedback, this result would not have been possible.

Special thanks also go to our team BV Hotels & Resorts, whose commitment, professionalism and passion have made this extraordinary success possible.

We are extremely proud of this triple victory and will strive even more to maintain the standards of excellence that have led us to receive this prestigious award.

Thank you all for making us the best among the best!

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